Cuvrd Low Code Widgets

Embedded Subscription Quote Panel Widget

Current Version

1.0.1, Updated April 11, 2024

1.0.1: Fixed conflicts in widget-rendering CSS file.


The Cuvrd subscription quote panel widget is a lightweight, low-code embeddable widget that gives your customers the ability to get a subscription VSC quote directly on your website.

Your customer enters their vehicle and gets an instant quote — right on your website.

If they choose to purchase, only then are they directed to the checkout process on your co-branded sales website.

Our goal was to make it as simple as possible for you to add VSC quoting functionality to your website with minimal to zero tech resources required.

Is it difficult to use the widget?

Not at all.

The subscription quote panel widget is a super-easy to deploy.

You simply paste a few lines of code to your website, and you're done.

The quote panel widget can be rendered in any container on any page of your website, allowing your customers to get VSC pricing without leaving your environment.

The widget is highly customizable, allowing you to control the look and feel of the widget to match your website's design.

You can run the widget directly from our servers or download the code and serve it up from your own website.

Can I See an Example?

Of course.

Here's a basic example along with the code used to generate it:


                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module">
 const widget = new CuvrdWidget({
    container: '#widget-example',
    env: 'demo',
	apiKey: 'CV.KbHvHnUrPUs1UcPuep.OFwBG24zLxRudK61Sy',
	whitelabel: 'api-testing-website',
  style: {}


The quoting widget is designed to work in full-width containers such as hero blocks.

The widget will display in desktop mode with the selectors arranged horizontally when the viewport is 768px wide and above.

For viewports below 768px, the selectors will appear in mobile mode and be arranged vertically.

Please note that the above widths are based on the viewport, not the container. Containers that are less than the full width of the viewport can cause the year and mileage inputs to be clipped at the ends.


You can download and host the widget on your own servers or use the widget directly from our servers.

Each method has its advantages — self hosting may render the widget quicker, but using our CDN will ensure you have the most recent release.

The widget can be downloaded here. Simply download, and unzip to a folder on your web server.

Reference the downloaded module and the associated base CSS with the following HTML before you call the widget:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-local-folder/style.css" />
<script type="module" src="path-to-local-folder/"></script>

To use the widget directly from our servers, simply include the following code in your HTML file before you call the widget:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Note: The widget can only be called once per page. You cannot render the widget in multiple divs on a single page, even if you call with different variable names assigned to different ids.

Barebones Example

Here's a barebones example of how to use the widget:

                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module">
 const widget = new CuvrdWidget({
    container: '#id-of-your-container',
    env: 'prod',
	apiKey: 'your-api-key-here',
	whitelabel: 'your-whitelabel-here',
    style: {}

Fancy CSS Example

Here's an example with some fancy CSS applied:

                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module">
 const widget = new CuvrdWidget({
    container: '#id-of-your-container',
    env: 'prod',
	apiKey: 'your-api-key-here',
	whitelabel: 'your-whitelabel-here',
        style: {
          font: 'audiowide',
          bgColor: 'rgba(207, 226, 255, .7)',
          primaryColor: '#0345A0',
          secondaryColor: 'red',
          buttonTextColor: '#ffffff',

See the CSS styling section below for more information on how to customize the look and feel of the widget.


To quickly test, you can use our testing API credentials, and put it in a full-width container with an ID of cuvrd-widget.

Use this API key:


And this white-label id:



                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script type="module">
 const widget = new CuvrdWidget({
    container: '#widget-example',
    env: 'demo',
	apiKey: 'CV.KbHvHnUrPUs1UcPuep.OFwBG24zLxRudK61Sy',
	whitelabel: 'api-testing-website',
  style: {}

Note: Don't forget to define the environment as 'demo'!


Quote Panel Parameters

Use the following parameters in your javascript file when you initialize our widget on your webpage:

Key/Type Required Description
Yes The ID of the DOM element where the widget will be mounted.
enum ('demo' | 'prod')
Yes The environment in which the widget is being used. This helps in loading the appropriate configurations for demo or production environments.
Yes The API key used for authenticating requests from the widget.
Yes The identifier for the whitelabel branding and customization to apply to the widget.
Yes Object for specifying custom styles to apply to the widget. This includes colors, fonts, and other CSS properties. This property is required, but you can pass an empty object. You can specify many options to adjust styles (see section style configuration)
No An optional array specifying the range of years to display in the year dropdown. Defaults to last 10 years.

Quote Panel Event Handlers

The following optional event handlers can be configured in your javascript file as well:

Key/Type Required Description
(() => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when the process of creating plans is initiated.
((response: any) => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when the creation of plans is completed. It receives the response as an argument.
((plan: any) => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when a plan is selected. It receives the selected plan as an argument.
((plan: any) => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when a plan is added to the cart. It receives the added plan as an argument.
((plan: any) => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when proceeding to checkout with a selected plan. It receives the selected plan as an argument.
(() => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when the car selection changes.
(() => void)
No An optional callback function that is called when the selected plan changes.

Quote Panel CSS/Styling

You can use the following CSS declarations when rendering our widget to better mimic the look and feel of your website, as well as size it appropriately inside its parent object:

Key/Type Required Description
No Specifies the view mode of the widget. This could dictate the overall layout or specific style presets intended for the widget.
No Sets the background color of the widget. Accepts any valid CSS color value (e.g., #ffffff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), red).
No Defines the font family for the text displayed within the widget. You should provide a valid CSS font-family value (e.g., 'Arial', 'Roboto', sans-serif).
No Determines the primary color used throughout the widget, affecting elements such as buttons and links. Accepts any valid CSS color value.
No Defines the secondary color used for the widget's elements, providing a means to complement or contrast with the primary color.
No Sets the text color for buttons within the widget, ensuring text visibility and alignment with your design scheme.
No An object containing styles specifically for the widget's wrapper element. This allows for more granular control over the widget's positioning and sizing.

wrapperStyle  Parameters

Key/Type Required Description
No Specifies the maximum width of the widget's container. Accepts any valid CSS width value (e.g., 600px, 80%).
No Sets the width of the widget's container. Like maxWidth, it accepts any valid CSS width value.