Cuvrd Google Analytics (GA4) Events

Co-Branded/White Label Website GA4 Events

Current Version

1.0, Updated April 1, 2024

1.0: Initial release.


The Cuvrd co-branded and white-label websites contain GA4 event triggers.

Our goal is to allow you to track customers you refer to your co-branded websites through the sales funnel as they progress through your co-branded sales site.

GA4 events are attached to most of the calls-to-action throughout the quoting and checkout process as well as page transitions. Most of these events are standard GA4 ecommerce events, however, there are some custom events present as well.

A breakdown of the GA4 events we use are listed below, broken down by category (automatic, ecommerce, custom) in the Documentation section of this page.

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is an analytics service that allows to measure traffic and engagement across your websites and apps.

Cuvrd has integrated GA4 events into your co-branded sales website, which allows you to track your user's behavior through the quote and purchase process.

In order to configure GA4, you will need a Google Organization account with sufficient privileges to set up and configure a GA4 property.

If you do not have a Google Organization account, you can create one here.

Boatloads of information regarding GA4 can be found on the Google Developers GA4 website.

Google Tags

In order to begin tracking your co-branded website events, you must provide us with either a Google tag (gtag) or a Google Tag Manager (GTM) tag.

This article explains the difference between a gtag and a GTM tag.


If you want to integrate third-party tags (such as Hotjar, Nielsen, Adobe Analytics, et al.), you must provide us with a GTM tag and configure third-party tags through your GTM admin panel.

A full list of GTM supported tags can be found here.

If you are not planning to use third-party tags, a standard gtag will suffice. If you migrate to GTM in the future, you can configure your gtag in your GTM tag, and provide us with the upgrated GTM ID.

Note: Cuvrd will not provide you with a gtag or GTM tag. You must provide us with a tracking ID in order to view your analytics data in GA4.

What is BigQuery?

BigQuery (BQ) is a Google cloud data warehouse that lets you run high performance queries on large datasets.

BQ is a serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi-cloud data warehouse designed for business agility. It enables super-fast SQL queries using the processing power of Google's infrastructure.

You can export all of your raw events from GA4 to BQ, and then use an SQL-like syntax to query that data. In BigQuery, you can choose to export your data to external storage or import external data for the purposes of combining it with your Analytics data.

Just like GA4, in order to configure BQ, you will need a Google Organization account with sufficient privileges to set up and configure a GA4 instance.

BigQuery Export

You can link your Google tag to a BigQuery instance, and your events will flow to a dataset within your BigQuery project daily.

Information on how you can link your GA4 property to BigQuery can be found here.

GA4 pushes all events for the previous day to BQ overnight. You can also opt to have real time-data pushed to BQ, however, please note that the `events_intraday_*` table schema is slightly different from the `events_*` table schema.

We highly recommend linking your GA4 property to BigQuery. Utilizing BQ will allow you to store your events longer than they will reside in your GA4 property as well as give you the ability to create custom reports and dashboards. BQ pricing is minimal to non-existent for datasets of this size.

As with tracking IDs, Cuvrd will not provide you with a BigQuery project. To take advantage of BigQuery integration, you must configure BigQuery though your organization's Google Cloud Platform console.

Ad Blockers/Tracking Blockers

While GA4 is amazing for the price (free), end users often block tracking activity using ad blockers and other browser plugins such as DuckDuckGo that prevent the firing of tags and events.

As such, you may see a discrepancy between the number of events you see in your GA4 property and the actual number of visitors and sales on your co-branded website. This is normal and is a result of end users blocking tracking activity.

Demo Co-Branded Websites

If you have a demo website configured for testing purposes, we recommend that you set up a separate GA4 ID specifically for your demo site. This will allow you to track your demo site separately from your production site.

IP Filtering

Google Analytics allows you to filter out your organization's IP addresses in your GA4 property to prevent false positives in your analytics data.

We recommend that you filter your organization's IP addresses on your production site to prevent false positives, but leave your org's IPs active on your demo site (if applicable), which is useful if you have a team and want to test your co-branded demo site.


You can utilize the GA Debug Chrome browser extension to see your co-branded website events fire in (near) real-time.

While using this extension, you can monitor events in the DebugView panel located in the Admin section of your GA4 Property. More information about DebugView can be found here.


Automatically Collected GA4 Events

The following high-level events are automatically collected by GA4 and will appear in your property's event stream.

You can read more about GA4 automatically collected events here.

Event Trigger Parameters

when a user engages the app or website

A session ID and session number are generated automatically with each session and associated with each event in the session. Learn more

No parameters are collected.

when a user engages the app or website

the first time a user visits a website

No parameters are collected.

Triggered each time the page loads or the browser history state is changed by the active site.

This event is collected automatically and cannot be turned off.

The event populates the Views metric.
The parameters populate the following dimensions:

page_location (page URL),
page_referrer (previous page URL)

the first time a user reaches the bottom of each page (i.e., when a 90% vertical depth becomes visible)

The event populates the Percent scrolled dimension.

No parameters are collected.

Triggered each time a user clicks a link that leads away from the current domain

By default, outbound click events will occur for all links leading away from the current domain. Links to domains configured for cross-domain measurement will not trigger outbound click events.

The parameters populate the following dimensions:

outbound (boolean)

Triggered the first time a user interacts with a form in a session

form_id: HTML id attribute of the <form> DOM element,
form_name: HTML name attribute of the <form> DOM element,
form_destination: URL to which the form is being submitted
form_submit Triggered when a user submits a form. form_id: HTML id attribute of the <form> DOM element,
form_name: HTML name attribute of the <form> DOM element,
form_destination: URL to which the form is being submitted,
form_submit_text: text of the submit button, if present

Triggered when the webpage is in focus for at least one second.

Learn more about the user_engagement event.

file_download Triggered when a user clicks a link leading to a file (with a common file extension) of the following types:
  • document
  • text
  • executable
  • presentation
  • compressed file
  • video
  • audio

The parameters populate the following dimensions:

The majority of these events are as a result of the purchaser downloading a copy of their VSC.


Ecommerce GA4 Events

Cuvrd co-branded websites utilize the standard GA4 ecommerce/online sales events listed in the table below.

You can read more about GA4 ecommerce/online sales events here.

Event Trigger Parameters
add_payment_info Triggered when the user adds their credit card or other payment information during checkout. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
login Triggered when the user logs in to their existing account. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
select_item Triggered when the user selects a deductible on the plans selection page. item_category: [year],
item_category_2: [make],
item_category_3: [model],
item_category_4: [mileage],
item_category_5: [vin],
item_brand: [vsc brand],
item_name: [vsc level],
location_id: [registration state],
price: [monthly payment],
affiliation: [renewal type]
add_to_cart Triggered when the user clicks the "Get this plan" button or otherwise adds a plan to their cart. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
begin_checkout Triggered when the user starts the checkout process value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
purchase Triggered when the user agrees to the terms and conditions and clicks the "Purchase" button in the disclosures modal. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
remove_from_cart Triggered when the customer views their shopping cart, then clicks the "Remove from cart" button. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]
add_shipping_info Triggered when the user clicks the "Continue to payment" button on the "Tell us a bit about yourself" page, and passes data validation. value: [monthly_payment],
items: [array of vehicle and VSC data]

Co-Branded Website Custom GA4 Events

Cuvrd co-branded websites utilize the custom events listed in the table below.

Event Trigger Parameters
plans_are_ready Triggered when reaching the plans selection page if there are plans available for the selected vehicle. item_category: [year],
item_category_2: [make],
item_category_3: [model],
item_category_4: [mileage],
item_category_5: [vin],
item_brand: [recommended vsc brand],
item_name: [recommended vsc level],
location_id: [registration state],
quantity: [number of deductibles available]
i_dont_know_my_vin Triggered when clicking the "I don't know my VIN" button on the "Let's get started!" page No parameters are collected.
continue_to_plans Triggered when hitting the "Continue to plans and prices" button on the "What do you drive?" page? item_category: [year],
item_category_2: [make],
item_category_3: [model],
item_category_4: [mileage],
item_category_5: [vin],
get_a_quote Triggered by hitting the "Get a Quote" button on the main co-branded page. No parameters are collected.
view_covered_parts Triggered when the user clicks on the "Learn more >" or "See what's covered" links which raise a modal so that the user can see the specific items the selected plan covers. No parameters are collected.
change_plan Triggered each time the user selects a plan a different plan on the plans selection page using the "Choose plan" button. item_category: [year],
item_category_2: [make],
item_category_3: [model],
item_category_4: [mileage],
item_category_5: [vin],
item_brand: [vsc brand],
item_name: [vsc level],
location_id: [registration state],
price: [monthly payment],
affiliation: [renewal type]
cover_new_vehicle Triggered when hitting the "Cover a new vehicle" button on the "Welcome back" page where they already have a vehicle entered when returning to the site. No parameters are collected.
back_button_clicked Triggered any time a customer clicks the "Back >" button on any page during the quote or checkout process to return to the prior page. No parameters are collected.
i_know_my_vin Triggered when clicking the "I know my VIN" button on the "Let's get started!" page No parameters are collected.
no_plans_available Triggered when reaching the plans selection page if there are plans available for the selected vehicle. No parameters are collected.
add_vehicle_vin Triggered when the user manually enters their VIN No parameters are collected.
change_vehicle Triggered any time the user is in the quote or checkout process and aborts the process to enter a new vehicle or edit the current vehicle. No parameters are collected.
continue_with_existing_vehicle Triggered when hitting the "Continue with this vehicle" button on the "Welcome back" page where they already have a vehicle entered when returning to the site. item_category: [year],
item_category_2: [make],
item_category_3: [model]